Filing an Entry of Appearance

When an attorney, or their proxy, attempts to file on a case in which they are not currently participating, the PACFile process requires the submission of an entry of appearance. The processes for filing this on a new or existing case are similar, but have some unique differences:

Filing an Appearance on an Existing Case

When an entry of appearance is being filed on an existing case, it must be recorded as the primary filing type in the Select Filing screen and the attorney must be added through the Counsel tab. The steps below indicate the important steps that must be completed within the overall wizard process when filing the appearance:


On your Dashboard, click the Case Filing link under the Actions section.


Complete the Select Cases screen as it applies to the applicable case and click the Select Case icon Select Case icon.


In the Select Filing screen, select Entry of Appearance from the Filing Type dropdown. Click SUBMIT.


Complete the Participants tab normally. Click NEXT.


In the Counsel tab, click the Add Self icon Add Self icon or the Add Counsel icon Add Counsel icon.


In the Add/Edit Counsel popup, search for (if adding counsel other than self) and select the name of the attorney requesting to join the case.


In the Contact Information tab, confirm the attorney’s contact information.


Click on the Representing tab and select the participant the attorney is representing.


Click SAVE.


In the Counsel tab, click NEXT.


In the Filing Documents tab, click the Manage Documents icon Manage Documents icon.


In the Document Management popup screen, click the Add Optional Filing icon Add Optional Filing icon, upload the document to this filing type, and select a Confidentiality. Repeat this step to add any other filing types/documents as needed. Click SAVE.


In the Filing Documents tab, select the checkbox acknowledging the disclaimer and click NEXT.


Complete the Service tab normally. Click NEXT.


Review the Verification tab, click Verify, and complete the submission process.

For printable step-by-step assistance (with pictures), refer to the following:



Filing an Appearance on a New Case

When completing the Case Initiation wizard as an attorney (or proxy for an attorney) that did not appear on the lower court case, the attorney must be added through the Counsel tab and a Entry of Appearance filing type must be added in the Filing Documents tab. The steps below indicate the important steps that must be completed within the overall wizard process when filing the appearance:


On your Dashboard, click the Initiate New Case link under the Actions section.


In the Select Filing screen, fill out the required fields normally and be sure the selection in the Filing Type field reflects the document that is initiating the case. Click SUBMIT.


Complete the Select Cases screen as it applies to the new case.


Complete the Participants tab normally. Click NEXT.


In the Counsel tab, click the Add Self icon Add Self icon or the Add Counsel icon Add Counsel icon.


In the Add/Edit Counsel popup, search for (if adding counsel other than self) and select the name of the attorney requesting to join the case.


In the Contact Information tab, confirm the attorney’s contact information.


Click on the Representing tab and select the participant the attorney is representing.


Click SAVE.


In the Counsel tab, click NEXT.


In the Filing Documents tab, click the Add Optional Filing icon Add Optional Filing icon.


In the Document Management popup screen, select Entry of Appearance from the Filing Type dropdown, and select the Is Included checkbox.


Click the Add Document icon Add Document icon, upload the document to this filing type, select a Confidentiality, and click SAVE.


In the Filing Documents tab, select the checkbox acknowledging the disclaimer and click NEXT.


Complete the Service tab normally. Click NEXT.


Review the Verification tab, click Verify, and complete the submission process.